Better than becoming an affiliate marketer, or selling a digital product, is to become an influencer. This way, you will be not only rich, but also famous. 

You’ll find that influential people and companies are lining up to offer you amazing opportunities.

You’ll be able to launch any future business idea or product you can possibly dream up to immediate success.

And you’ll even be recognized in the street by grateful fans. This is the true power of marketing on the web.

With this video course you’ll learn to become a micro influencer. That means an influencer with just a few thousand follows, that can nevertheless command the same kinds of endorsement rates and that can drive sales.

This is a far more achievable goal, but one that can allow you to make a living from doing what you love and talking about your passions inside a year.


Topics covered:

  • 5 Personal Branding Tips to Help You Stand Out as an Influencer
  • 5 Ways to Build Your Followers and Increase Your Influencer
  • How to Choose Your Niche as an Influencer
  • How to Find Great Topics to Blog and Post About as an Influencer
  • How to Get Brand Deals as an Influencer
  • How to Work With the Top Influencers in Your Niche
  • Monetization Tips for Influencers
  • The Secret to Becoming an Influencer is by Delivering Value
  • Understanding the 3 C
  • Which Social Media Platforms Should You Build Your Influence On


This ebook explains the psychology behind influencers and explains why people choose to attach themselves to the creators they respect.

You’ll find a full, step-by-step program that will help you to build a powerful “personal brand” with a strong message that people respond to in a massive way.

You’ll learn to generate excellent content, and you’ll learn about the signals that sponsors and brands look for.

Once you do this, you’ll build a highly resilient and stable business that allows you to generate cash doing what you love – and that opens up incredibly opportunities that go beyond your wildest dreams!

With this ebook you will become the best version of yourself, build your tribe and earn money from your passions.4


Here’s exactly what you’ll discover in this course:

  • How to design a personal brand
  • How to present yourself in a way that inspires and leads
  • Learn the psychology of brands and followers and understand how to make people LOVE what you have to say
  • How to create  a mission statement and message that you really believe in and that people can get behind
  • How to select the right niche for you
  • Follow a simple step-by-step program to become a powerful influencer
  • Earn a living doing what you love, and open up opportunities that you could never have imagined
  • How to develop a thriving community that will support you and help your brand to grow
  • How to work with the BIGGEST influencers in your niche and get them to respond to you right away
  • How to create a content plan that will allow you to provide consistent value without needing to dedicate huge amounts of time
  • Earn a living doing what you love, and open up opportunities that you could never have imagined
  • And so much more!

Bonus course

In both English and Dutch

Now You Can Get Instant Access To 10 HOT, Over-The-Shoulder, Step-By-Step Video Tutorials … Download And Start Playing These Videos Tutorials Right From The Comfort Of Your Home!

The web has created a world of opportunity for us all. More than ever before, it’s now possible for anyone to come up with an idea for a business and to start promoting themselves to a massive audience.

That means you can start making money from the comfort of your own home. Or maybe you’d rather just promote a cause that’s important to you? Or make a little money on the side writing about something you find fascinating?

With the world as your audience, the opportunities are nearly endless and you can achieve all kinds of incredible things. But there’s only one problem…

So can everyone else! And this can make it very hard to stand out on the web. You don’t need me to tell you that of course, you’ve probably noticed it yourself. If you head online right now and spend five minutes there, you’ll probably be bombarded by countless ads in that time, several emails that you never signed up for and all kinds of other junk.

Every website is covered in flashing banners trying to get attention and Tai Lopez keeps showing you his Ferrari. That sounds like chaos but in all honesty, it’s not much different from walking down the street. Head to any city and there are approximately 20 adverts visible at any time as well as plenty of store windows – some of which with TVs playing more adverts.

The result is that we become a bit desensitized to any and all attempts to get our attention. Beeping, flashing lights, news flashes – we’re oblivious. So the question is: how do you be one of the few voices that manages to stand out in such a noisy world? How do you reach your audience and get them to care?

It’s actually surprisingly simple… And that’s what this product is all about.


How To Become An Influencer 00:00:00
How To Become A Successful Social Media Influencer 00:00:00
How To Become An Influencer E-book 00:00:00
Be Heard (English / Dutch)
Hoe word ik beter gehoord (op het web) 00:00:00
Be Heard 00:00:00
Be Heard Nederlands ondertiteld + vertaald E-boek 00:00:00
Tik tok marketing
Tik Tok Marketing 00:00:00
Become a Video Marketing & YouTube Expert
Youtube Bully 7 – Mistakes To Avoid When Promoting Your Video 00:00:00
Video marketing Miljonair 00:00:00
Video Marketing Made Easy (90 min videos and repots) 00:00:00
Content Marketing Video and e-book course 00:00:00
Certificaat van deelname (gratis)
Cursus How To Become An Influencer 00:00:00
  • 79.00
  • 365 Dagen